THE PLANETS J.Brent©1992 Jupiter A masochist dyke from Jupiter used to have people poop at her she'd dress up in rubber and pay them to club her have you ever heard anything stupider? Saturn A kamikaze pilot from Saturn circled in holding pattern he knew he must die and he didn't ask why so he dived and he bombed and he SPLATTERN! Venus There once was a virgin from Venus who had never before seen a penis the first one she saw filled her with awe the rest of them filled her with semens! Pluto A big fucking dog named Pluto was humping a little French poodle the bitch gave a groan when he buried his bone 'cause he missed and rammed straight inner turd-hole! Earth A surrogate mother on Earth actually liked giving birth she would bear one baby a year and then sell it for what it was worth! Mercury A quicksilver whiz kid from M-Mercury earned his bachelor's of science in J-Jerkery a M-Mastur's degree is B-Bater, may be but only PhuDs pound their puds p-perfuckly! Mars A Her-She sweetie from Mars adored eating big candy bars he'd get his kicks sucking monstrous dicks and swallowing all but the balls! Neptune The randy old faggot from Neptune gets it off in the man with the moon when orbits collide he rides the dark side in a screwing poo, spewing goo union Uranus An asshole from your anus longed to be rich and famous he back-stabbed and haggled connived and finagled so much pain... and what did it gain us? 7
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